Out of Homosexuality
First Stone Ministries
Many Testimonies Here!
Check Out these Testimonials of Ex-Gays!
Christine Sneeringer
Freedom from Lesbianism
Brothers Road
10 Men's Testimonies
Sue Bohlin Answers questions on Homosexuality with clarity and simplicity
Portland Fellowship
18 tell their personal stories
Testimony of an Ex-Gay Teen on PFox
Watch this YouTube Testimony of an Ex-Lesbian
Dear SAA Hope:

Thanks for your website. I am so grateful for Christians who help people who have developed SSA. I am a 53 year old man and I have struggled with SSA and Homosexual desires since I was a Pre-teen. In crying out to God several years ago, I sensed the Lord lead me to pray for healing and to look into the wisdom of understanding SSA. Groups like yours and NARTH have helped me so much. For so many years the Church has just said to repent from your evil thoughts and desires and follow the Lord. I did that, but it seemed like an endless cycle of falling into lust and wrong desire, repenting and going on, only to go that way again. I cannot say that I have perfectly overcome SSA, but I do believe that I have made substantial progress in standing against these desires, after understanding why I developed them in the first place.

I do believe that I have come to a place where I really need to join a support group. Where I can be encouraged and I can encourage others in their walk of hope and victory over SSA...
I Belong Amen!
Man living gay & transgender lifestyle was completely transformed by God!
I Belong Amen Home Page
Leaving My Lesbian Past
Share your good news or testimony!
We have room for your testimony or one you think we should have here. Just contact us on the link at the top of this page or email us.
Share the journeys of those who have left the gay lifestyle, those who work to conquer their SSA, and those who now live free of homosexual desires. 
Dennis Jernigan
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